How to create a hyperlink in word 2016
How to create a hyperlink in word 2016

how to create a hyperlink in word 2016 how to create a hyperlink in word 2016 how to create a hyperlink in word 2016

set of codes that instructs Word to automatically insert material into a document. Technically, a cross-reference in Word is a field, i.e. In Word, you can insert dynamic cross-references that can be updated if the text you refer to changes. Note: When you are replying to a Plain Text email, the automatic linking will not work since Plain Text doesn’t support hyperlinking words.In general, a cross-reference is a note in a text that tells you to look somewhere else in the text for more information. The next time that you type your specified text, Outlook will automatically hyperlink this word or word group for you. Use AutoCorrect to automatically hyperlink commonly used references. Press OK until all open dialogs are closed.

how to create a hyperlink in word 2016

Verify that the option “Formatted text” is selected or otherwise the hyperlink will be lost.In our example, this could be “Calendar Printing Assistant” but also something shorter such as “CPA”. Specify the text that it should replace.Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016įile-> Options-> section: Mail-> button: Spelling and Autocorrect-> AutoCorrect Options….Office button (top left or press ALT+F)-> button: Editor Options-> section: Proofing-> button: AutoCorrect Options… Outlook 2003 with Word as the email editor.Open the Spelling and AutoCorrect… dialog.Make sure you don’t select a trailing space. Select the now hyperlinked word or word group.The keyboard shortcut to bring up the Insert Hyperlink dialog after you have selected some text is CTRL+K. Select the word or word group and create the hyperlink as you would normally do.Type the word or word group that you want to to create an automatic hyperlink for.Create a new message in Outlook (keyboard shortcut CTRL+N).This is can be achieved quite easily by using the good old AutoCorrect feature. Would it be possible to automatically turn these key words into hyperlinks pointing to the correct URL? Unfortunately, this is quite a bit of work and the documentation and product links are the same ones I use over and over. In my emails, I often need to refer to documentation and products on the Internet for which I also supply the URL within the message.įor readability, I turn these words into clickable hyperlinks.

How to create a hyperlink in word 2016