Please close Warcraft 3 and follow these steps: 1. Before updating game make sure your registry settings point to your desired game. Warcraft 3 RoC and TFT CD-Key Changers (186334 downloads) To change your Reign of Chaos CD key. After fixing registry, double check registry values yourself and try installing TFT.ī and standalone patches will only update game which is registered. Home Forums Warcraft III Maps & Resources Tools Warcraft III CD-Key Changer & Grabber for 1.30.1+ Author (s) Flametron Tags Windows, Gaming, Misc Size 970. Warcraft III Fixer v2.00 by Lacewing works well if Warcraft TFT CD can't find RoC. You may need to change RoC War3CD path to RoC game folder. No one hacks computers to steal Warcraft III keys when they can just generate ones for free. does anyone know how to change my warcraft 3 cd key in regedit I really need to change it.

If you want to install another Warcraft The Frozen Throne (TFT) delete all key values which point to old TFT and change RoC key values to match newly installed RoC game folder, run TFT installation. 19 WORKED IN BATTLE.NET CLASSICS WARCRAFT- III 9 IT DONT 0 THANKS A LOT MIN-JEH-LEE 0 FisH warcraft 3 download 1.28.5 1 mikel please send licens key ww3 Mail:mikkeltranlive. 4 11 comments Best Add a Comment no1careskid 3 yr. Obviously if you want to install new Warcraft Regin of Chaos (RoC) you have to delete all key values which point to old RoC and run installation.